What Is the Difference Between a Face Lift and a Mini Face Lift?

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Mini Face Lift Chicago, your face is the focal point. That's always been the case, and that fact doesn't change as you age, but unfortunately, your face does. Gravity always wins, but the good news is, we don't have to let gravity have the upper hand. At the office of Steven H Dayan, MD located in Chicago, IL, we know that your face is your most important asset, which is why we offer both a facelift and a mini facelift to help you look and feel your best regardless of your age.

What Is the Difference Between a Facelift and a Mini Facelift?

Everything that is labeled as "mini" is a shortened, smaller version of its original, and the mini facelift is no different. It takes everything involved in a facelift down a notch, but still delivers results. Incisions are smaller, and the recovery process is more manageable and recovery time is cut down significantly. The good news is, you still get amazing results. 


Your results won't be cut short but will be just as noticeable and worth it as the results are that come from a full facelift are. The main difference between these two facelifts is the area of focus. The mini facelift focuses on the lower half of the face. The neck and the lower portion of the face receive the most attention during treatment. A full facelift focuses on addressing the upper cheeks, the lower half of the face, and the neck.

What Happens During a Mini Facelift?

Everyone has a different goal in mind when they choose a mini facelift. Your procedure length is determined by your goals and whether you're planning on adding any other procedures to this one. Generally, you can expect this particular procedure to last around two hours. A full facelift takes anywhere from two to five hours to complete. 


During a mini lift, your neck muscles will be lifted, excess neck muscles and skin will be removed, and the remaining skin on the neck and lower half of the face will be tightened. If needed, we can contour your cheeks, lift any skin that has experienced sagging due to volume loss and the aging process, restructure and tighten loose tissue around your jawline, and remove excess fat.

What Happens During a Full Facelift?

Both a miniature and full facelift begin the same way. Both the neck and the face will be sanitized to create a sterile environment, and then an anesthesiologist will put you to sleep so that you won't feel a thing. To begin the procedure, your surgeon will make an incision beneath the skin near the ears that may reach into your hairline. 


The muscles and connective tissue will be both tightened and redistributed. If your neck needs correction, we'll perform a neck lift as well, which involves removing excess skin and fat in the area to create a more youthful neck. The length of your incisions is negligible since they won't create any kind of visible scarring. We'll close them with some type of skin glue and you'll never even know they were there.

How Long Does a Mini Facelift Last?

A mini facelift is also known as a partial rhytidectomy, and even though it's called a "mini" version of the original, it provides long-lasting results. No one has found a way to stop the aging process completely, which is why facelifts of any kind can only last so long. Both the miniature facelift and the full facelift provide temporary yet long-lasting results. However, contrary to what you might think, the miniature facelift provides the most resilient results.

How Long Do Results Last?

The total amount of enjoyment that you'll get out of your miniature facelift depends on many different factors. Typically, patients enjoy their results anywhere from 12 to 15 years in total. 


Age is a factor in determining how long your results will last. If you are younger when you undergo this procedure, you'll experience your results longer, due to better collagen production and overall skin health. If you undergo a full facelift, you can expect your results to last anywhere from 10 to 12 years in total.

Facelift FAQ's

How Old Is Too Old for a Facelift?

When it comes to any type of facelift, there's no wrong age. Some people schedule a mini or full facelift between the ages of 30 and 40. Others wait until they're in the 60s or even their 70s. It all depends on your skin, how you feel about your face, and your commitment to enhancing your appearance for the better.


Your skin and your emotional health and well-being are the most important factors in determining when you should schedule this procedure, not your age. Ideally, you should have some degree of skin elasticity when you schedule this procedure to ensure that you get the best results possible.

Your Health Matters

Good health is an important requirement for any elective surgery. If you choose to undergo general anesthesia, your health will be an important factor in determining your candidacy for a facelift.

Can I Make My Results Last Longer?

The best way to extend the results of your facelift is to invest in the health of your skin. Your skin health relies heavily upon your overall health, and everything else comes down to your skincare routine. 

Live a Healthy Lifestyle

One of the simplest, most inexpensive ways to keep your skin healthy and youthful is to drink plenty of water. Hydration is crucial for beautiful skin. Wearing a high-quality broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 55 will also help prevent the signs of aging, as sun exposure is the number one cause of premature aging.

Other lifestyle factors affect your results. If you smoke, quit the habit as quickly as possible to avoid further damaging your skin. If you drink alcohol, drink in moderation to keep your skin healthy. Eat a healthy diet that includes skin-friendly foods like fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Schedule Maintenance Treatments to Keep Your Skin Healthy

Aside from the things you can change in your lifestyle and do at home to keep your skin healthy and vibrant, some in-office treatments can help extend the results of your facelift. Many skin care treatments can strengthen the skin while creating a lifting and tightening effect, specifically in the lower half of the face. 


Cosmetic injectables like Botox can remove dynamic wrinkles to make your results look better. It can also address the bands and lines that develop on the neck by relaxing certain muscles to create a more youthful appearance. Skin resurfacing treatments go a long way in tightening and smoothing the skin and making it look and feel rejuvenated. Results from these treatments are long-lasting and can be repeated as needed.

What Is the Recovery Like?

Unlike other procedures, the Mini Face Lift Chicago involves a relatively short recovery period. You will need someone to drive you to your appointment because once your procedure is complete, you won't be able to drive for at least 24 hours as the effects of the general anesthesia wear off. To make your recovery smooth and as simple as possible, enlist help at home so that you can focus on recovery, not on cooking, taking care of children, or feeding your pets. 


As for your diet, we recommend that you eat foods that don't require a lot of effort to chew or digest. Such foods may include smoothies, soups, or nutrition drinks. After several days of rest, you will begin to feel like yourself again. At one week post-op, you can wear makeup, and after two weeks, you can return to work. This is a much shorter recovery period than what is required of a full facelift, so you'll be able to enjoy your results and get back to your life much sooner.

How Can I Prepare for My Procedure?

Once we confirm that you are a candidate for this procedure, we'll give you a detailed list of instructions to follow so that you can fully prepare for your appointment. Whether you choose a min lift or a full facelift, your preparation instructions will be very similar.

Quit Smoking

Smoking wreaks havoc on the skin, so when you quit, you'll essentially begin a new anti-aging process. Not only does nicotine damage your skin, but it also weakens your existing collagen levels and slows collagen production rates. It raises your blood pressure, which can affect your health during your procedure. If you quit before your procedure, your procedure will be that much more successful and you will have an easier recovery and ultimately get better results.


Before your procedure, hydrate your body by drinking at least a half-gallon of water each day. Staying hydrated will help your body be prepared for your procedure and will help you recover quickly post-op.

Avoid Alcohol

Abstain from alcohol for at least six weeks before your procedure. Alcohol not only dehydrates your body, but it can rob it of essential nutrients and raise your blood pressure. We'll let you know post-op when you will be able to have your favorite glass of wine again.

Am I a Candidate?

Your initial consultation is the determining factor as to whether you are a candidate for a mini or a full facelift. During your consultation, Dr. Steven Dayan will analyze your facial structure and your problem areas. He'll discuss your aesthetic goals with you to find out what kind of results you're looking for, and then he'll review your medical history and determine if you are in good health.

He will also ask you in detail about any past treatments or procedures you have experienced to get the most information about your face and your health. If your lower face is your primary issue, and you have experienced sagging as a result of the aging process along your jawline or chin, a Mini Face Lift Chicago may be the best procedure to help address these issues. If you are also concerned about the appearance of your cheeks, you may be a better fit for a full facelift.

Taking the Next Step

If the lower half of your face has experienced significant sagging and has affected your lower cheeks, your jawline, and your neck, a Mini Face Lift Chicago may be just the procedure that will help restore your youth and increase your confidence. Whether you need a mini or a full facelift, we can help you meet all of your aesthetic goals. Contact us today at the office of Steven H Dayan, MD in Mini Face Lift Chicago, IL, and schedule your initial consultation to see if a facelift is right for you.

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