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What Is Fat Transfer?

Written by Dr. Steven Dayan | Dec 2, 2019 5:00:00 AM

When you look at yourself in the mirror, do you sometimes wish you could take fat from one place on your body and move it to another? Perhaps you feel your chest could use a little more volume. Maybe your face looks a bit thinner than you'd like. At the same time, you might feel like you wish you could slim your thighs, hips, or elsewhere. If this sounds like you, then you are in luck. You can achieve all this with a fat transfer, now offered by the experts at Steven H Dayan, MD in Chicago, IL.

Why Do People Get Fat Transfers?

There are many reasons people choose to pursue this treatment, which is also known as "fat grafting." Your own reasons are as unique as you are. A fat graft can be the answer to many issues brought on by aging, aesthetics, or perhaps a lack of success with other treatments.

They Have Always Wanted a Different Shape

We all have deposits of fat cells on our bodies. Unfortunately, it's rare that we are naturally blessed with the distribution that we'd prefer when it comes to our appearance. Genetics can play a huge role in determining this, but that doesn't mean that you have to accept the current status quo.

They Have Noticed a Recent Change Due to Aging

Many people also discover that as they age, the amount of volume they have in some regions begins to shrink. This is frequently most visible around the face, buttocks, and breast. At the same time, some other areas can wind up, retaining “stubborn” fat that's difficult to get rid of, and especially around the stomach or thighs.

They Have Not Had Success With Other Methods

When it comes to getting rid of fat, some people try to diet or exercise, but not everyone sees the same results with these methods. In addition, if you want to add volume in some part of your body, this approach won't necessarily help. Some patients try adding volume to the face, chest, or buttocks through the use of collagen or dermal fillers but are unable to achieve their desired results.

Any of these can lead to frustration with one's appearance, and even a loss of confidence, but with fat grafts, you have another option. With this exciting treatment, you can finally choose where your fat goes, enabling you to achieve the shape and contour of your dreams.

What Is a Fat Graft or Fat Transfer?

Fat grafts help redistribute your body's natural fat to achieve a better balance. Your doctor will harvest naturally occurring fat in one region and add it to another. By moving fat from one part of the body to another, Dr. Steven Dayan can solve two problems at the same time. Your trouble spots will help cancel each other out, all without the hassle of adding a foreign substance to your body.

What Are the Benefits of a Fat Transfer?

There are a number of reasons this treatment is so popular. Most of them are based on the core advantage of fat transfers: you use your own body fat in the process. The fact that everything comes from your body means that you avoid many of the complications that come with other treatments, where you might be injected with a foreign substance.

Fat Grafts Don't Cause Allergic Reactions

When a typical fat graft is performed, the doctor uses liposuction to harvest fat from the patient's thighs, stomach, or elsewhere on the body. This fat is then transferred to the patient's face or buttocks. Because the only “ingredient” in the process is your own fat, you never have to worry about an allergy spoiling the treatment.

Fat Grafts Can Work When Collagen Fails

Collagen treatments work amazingly well for some people, but for others, their body doesn't react the way they might hope. Sometimes patients have an allergic reaction to bovine collagen, and in these cases, they need another option. Fat grafts can be a great alternative when collagen injection fails.

Fat Grafts Avoid Synthetic Materials

Many people want to tone and sculpt their look, but artificial treatments aren't for everyone. It might be because of an allergy to synthetics or simply because you object to the idea of implants. Whatever the case, fat grafts are completely reliant on elements that already exist in your own body. No artificial additives are required.

What Should You Expect from the Process?

A treatment session begins with harvesting the fat through liposuction and ends with an injection of the fat into the desired areas. The details, cost, and length of the treatment will depend on its complexity and the areas being treated.

Your Treatment Session Will Have Several Stages

During your treatment, you will have your fat harvested from a specific spot on your body. Dr. Steven Dayan removes the fat and then cleanses it before injecting it back into its new spot.

Your Doctor May "Over-Inject" Your Desired Area

Because the body will reabsorb much of the fat used in the process, it is common for doctors to over-inject, that is to say, they will add more fat than may be wanted in the long run. Roughly half of this fat will typically be absorbed by your body, however, so it will ultimately settle. In most cases, patients don't mind this, as they are losing fat from another area they wish to reduce. Fat that is not used is often frozen and stored; a process called fat banking.

You May Choose to Combine Treatments

Because fat transfer starts with a liposuction, it pairs naturally with many other common treatments. Some patients choose to get multiple treatments at the same time, such as a tummy tuck and fat grafting. By doing these treatments in conjunction, you can potentially save time and also money, depending on the specifics.

Are Fat Grafts Safe?

Fat grafts have very few risks, and most patients are extremely happy with their results. Dr. Steven Dayan and the rest of our team all place the highest priority on the health and safety of our patients. We are always ready to go the extra mile to make sure you are comfortable and well-informed about your treatments.

How Much Does It Cost?

The exact cost of a fat transfer will depend primarily on the area being treated and the time required, as well as specific materials that may be necessary. Additionally, the number of sessions will be a consideration. More complicated treatments may need multiple appointments, but many can be accomplished in just one session.

During your initial consultation, we will be able to determine the best course of treatment based on your goals and the areas you want treated. Once we have had the consultation, we will be able to figure out the right price for your specific treatments.

What Areas Do Fat Grafts Treat?

Fat grafts are usually used to add volume to the face or to the buttocks. In addition, some fat may be added to the breast as part of a breast augmentation surgery. Fat transfers have also been used to add extra volume to the hands in order to counter the effects of aging.

What Problems Do Fat Grafts Correct?

In addition to the straightforward desire for more volume, fat grafts can assist with multiple specialized challenges. Some of these include depressions in the skin from scars or the results of a previously unsuccessful liposuction surgery. Hollow cheeks also popular issues that patients like to see corrected.

Can It Be an Alternative to Dermal Fillers?

Fat grafts can also succeed where dermal fillers have failed. Very small, targeted amounts of fat can be injected into frown lines, thin lips, or other folds on the face. In many of these cases, patients have tried to address their issues previously with dermal fillers, but not everyone reacts to dermal fillers successfully. Fat transfers can often add volume and smooth out the problem areas instead.

What Should You Do Before Treatment?

In order to prepare for treatment, you will have a consultation with our staff, and we will ascertain whether you are a good fit for this treatment. In addition, you should stop taking aspirin in the week before treatment, as this can alter the behavior of your bloodstream.

What Happens After Treatment?

After your treatment, there will be a brief recovery period. On the actual day of the session, you will want to arrange for a close friend or family member to drive you home, as you should not operate heavy machinery on your own.

In the weeks that follow, you will want to be easy on yourself and avoid strenuous activity. Exercises that involve a lot of sudden movement and bouncing should also be kept to an absolute minimum if not eliminated altogether. The reason for this is that the sudden movement can complicate the recovery period. Your incision should close up within four weeks.

When Can You Resume Normal Activities?

This depends on the areas that were treated with the transfer. In all cases, you will want to listen to the advice of your specialist closely and adhere to the recommendations given. In most cases, light activity can resume within a month and heavier exercise after two months, but it will all depend on the exact areas that have been treated.

Are You a Good Candidate for a Fat Transfer?

Good candidates for fat grafts are patients who are looking to increase volume in one area of their body while slimming another area. Some of these treatments, such as adding volume to the face, require only small amounts of fat. Others, such as a Brazilian Butt Lift, will require more. As a result, it is important that patients have a certain amount of body fat available to donate from one portion of their body. Patients with a very low body fat percentage may do better to consider implants or some other form of treatment.

How Long Do Results Last?

Results for fat grafts last for a surprisingly long time. Although much of the fat that is used in the operation will be absorbed, roughly a third of it will remain and typically stay for several years. This is much longer than a typical dermal filler, which usually will remain in place for around one year.

Part of the reason for the long-term success of fat grafting has to do with the fact that these are the patient's own cells. Even though the fat cells are being moved from one place to another, the body and all of the internal systems are the same. This means that the patient's blood supply doesn't change, and this consistency will help keep the fat cells healthy, long after they have settled.

Call for Your Consultation

After the treatment, patients can look forward to their target areas appearing fuller and having a softer, plumper look. The effect will be a more youthful appearance, attractive contours, and even healthier skin.

Don't wait to get the body of your dreams. Call the experts at Steven H Dayan, MD in Chicago, IL now to help guide you through the fat transfer process.