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The Most Common Causes of Backne

Written by Impressions Face + Body | Feb 16, 2017 9:26:47 PM

When it comes to acne, your face isn’t the only place you have to worry about. Pimples can sprout up all over your back too. Worst of all, it’s not only a physical problem. Bacne can give people anxiety, lower self-esteem and even depression. Today, we’re going to talk about some of the most common causes of bacne. If you suffer with back pimples, identifying what’s causing them can help you get rid of them for good.

The Clothes on Your Back

Your favorite top may be your back’s worst enemy. Tight fitting shirts that don’t let your skin breathe can irritate your back and spread oils and bacteria across it, leading to bacne. Avoid wearing polyester and other types of synthetic fibers. They don’t allow your skin to breathe, causing more and more oils to build up. You should also try to stop wearing itchy clothes like wool sweaters, which can be too rough for your skin.

Don’t Sweat It

Working out is not only good for your general health, but it’s also great for your skin. Unfortunately though, sweating has been found to cause acne. The salty moisture on your skin can attract dust and dirt, which blocks your pores and leads to a buildup of bacteria in the form of pimples. This doesn’t mean you should cut down on your gym sessions though. Just be sure to remove makeup prior to working out and after your gym session, rinse off the sweat with a quick shower and you should be good to go.

Your Dirty Bed

How long has it been since you washed your sheets? Think about all of the materials your back rests against throughout the day and night (your work chair, sofa, bed sheets, yoga mat). These materials not only get dirty over time, but they also soak up the bacteria and dirt from your skin. This makes them a breeding ground for bacteria. Pretty gross, right? Make sure to wash your sheets at least once a week, and regularly wipe down or wash any other materials your back comes into contact with.

Back Irritation

Wearing irritating clothes, backpacks, purses, or anything else that constantly aggravates your back can spread bacteria, causing more bacne. Acne caused by irritation is so common that it has a name: Acne mechanica. Sweat makes acne mechanica even worse. If you notice that something you wear on a regular basis aggravates your skin, you should replace it with something a little more comfortable.

Other Common Causes of Acne

While the causes above are more specific to bacne, pimples on your back can be caused by more general factors that affect acne all over your body. You’ve probably heard about these ones before. The American Academy of Dermatology notes that the following can cause or worsen acne (and, more specifically, bacne):

  • Genetics
  • Menstruation
  • Hormones
  • Emotional stress

While these more general causes of acne are harder to avoid, you can always improve the condition of your skin by taking care of it with a quality skin care routine.

Look no further than Impressions Face + Body (previously "True Skin Care Center") to find high quality products to get rid of your bacne. While we have a variety of products to help fight off your bacne, you’ll want to schedule a consultation with one of our skin care experts to create the best plan to get rid of your bacne once and for all. If you have any more questions about bacne or acne in general, feel free to reach out to us. There’s nothing we enjoy more than helping our fans feel better about their bodies.