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How Do Sun Spots Form?

Written by A H | Mar 19, 2018 9:00:25 AM

Sun spots are those unwanted dark spots on the skin that many people develop with the passage of time. They are sometimes referred to as age spots or brown spots. This is partly because they show up as a person ages and partly because they make a person look older. However, their formation has more to do with sun exposure than with aging. Therefore, referring to them as sun spots more accurately indicates how they originated.

In your skin is a substance called melanin. It is what gives the skin its pigment. When you spend time in the sun, your skin will produce additional melanin as a way of protecting itself against the harmful effects that could come about from exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. When more melanin is produced, the skin will look darker. This is actually what happens when an individual is working on that perfect tan.

While a golden tan is normally seen as a desirable result of spending time in the sun, it can have undesirable long-term consequences when the process is repeated numerous times through the years. The melanin will eventually reach the point at which it gathers in small patches at elevated levels throughout the skin. As a result, sun spots will form. Unlike a tan that eventually fades away, these dark spots will remain there permanently unless some form of professional treatment is given to remove them.

Obviously, the best way to deal with sun spots is to take the proper precautions that will help to prevent their formation in the first place. This includes things like limiting the amount of exposure to direct sunlight and using the right sunscreen and protective clothing while in the sun. However, if you failed to take these precautions in the past and are now paying the price for it with an uneven skin tone, there is still hope. There are ways of reversing the negative effects of sun exposure.

If you are in such a dilemma, you should schedule a time to visit Impressions Face + Body (previously "True Skin Care Center") to go over your options. You will be pleased to find that a more youthful appearance is within your grasp with the proper professional treatment(s). Contact us today to schedule your appointment at our office in Chicago!