Get the Slim Look You've Always Wanted With Body Sculpting

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You hit the gym five days a week. You eat a fruit or veggie with every reasonably portioned meal. You're at your ideal weight. But your back fat just won't budge. At Impressions Face + Body in Chicago, IL, we are passionate about helping people achieve their ideal aesthetic. That's why we are proud to offer CoolSculpting to help you sculpt the body of your dreams. Today, we answer your most frequently asked questions about how to achieve the slim look you've always wanted with body sculpting.

FAQ About Body Sculpting

1. What Is Body Sculpting?

Body sculpting refers to a cosmetic treatment, such as CoolSculpting, that destroys and removes stubborn pockets of fat from the body. Also known as body contouring or body shaping, the fat removal resulting from treatment allows you to achieve the contours you have dreamed of for years but have never quite been able to achieve.

2. What Is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting, known clinically as cryolipolysis, is a body sculpting technique using the FDA-approved CoolSculpting device. This treatment removes fat without pain, discomfort or downtime by harnessing the power of freezing technology.

3. What Are the Benefits of CoolSculpting?

There are several advantages of using CoolSculpting for your body sculpting needs. Primarily, the cold numbs the treatment site so you don't feel any pain or discomfort. However, your skin tissue is not damaged by the cold because a special pad is applied to the targeted site before treatment to protect it.

Secondarily, since no heat from lasers, ultrasound energy or radiofrequency energy is used, there is no risk of burning the tissue surrounding the excess adipose tissue. On a tertiary level, CoolSculpting freezes localized adipose tissue into blocks. These blocks of frozen fat cells can be massaged after treatment to speed along the final results of treatment so you achieve the perfectly contoured body of your dreams.

4. What Results Can I Realistically Expect?

During your initial consultation, we will assess your trouble areas to help you get a good idea of the results you can expect. On average, one CoolSculpting treatment session will remove a quarter of the localized fat deposits. Larger areas may only see a 20% reduction in localized fat deposits, while treatment of a smaller area may result in the removal of 80% of localized adipose tissue.

5. How Many Treatment Sessions Will I Need?

How many CoolSculpting treatments you will need depends on how many areas you're trying to treat, how large those areas are and how much fat you're trying to remove. For example, if you're trying to treat several large areas, such as your lower back, abdomen and chest, you may need to come in for multiple sessions to target all of those areas.

Alternatively, you may be looking to only treat your back but have so much excess adipose tissue in that region that you need two sessions to achieve your ideal aesthetic. At the end of the day, it all comes down to personal preference. Just remember, it can take one to three months for your body to flush out the dead fat cells.

6. How Long Will Treatment Take?

Again, this depends largely on how many areas you're trying to treat in a single session, how much fat you're trying to remove and the size of those areas. If you're trying to treat your flanks, chest, hips or inner or outer thighs, treatment won't take as long as you think. At Impressions Face + Body in Chicago, IL, we offer DualSculpting, which uses two CoolSculpting devices at once to ensure symmetrical results.

During your initial consultation, we will assess your current situation and discuss your desired contours to give you a good idea of how long you should expect your treatment to take. As a general rule of thumb, you can expect smaller regions, like your armpits or under your chin, to be treated in about 35 minutes. You can expect the treatment of larger areas, such as your back, to take around an hour.

7. Which Regions Can Be Treated?

There is virtually no limit to which regions of your body you can re-contour with CoolSculpting. As a good general rule of thumb, you can treat just about any area that has at least an inch of pinchable fat.

However, there are now miniature CoolSculpting devices which allow the treatment of areas with smaller deposits of fat, like behind the knees. The most common regions targeted for sculpting are the:

  • Upper arms
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Lower and upper abdomen
  • Lower and middle back
  • Chest

8. Am I a Good Candidate for This Treatment?

The best candidate for CoolSculpting has enough fat to treat but does not have too much fat, either. To consider this treatment, you should be within 30 pounds of your goal weight and confident that you can maintain your ideal weight in the future.

If you gain a dramatic amount of weight in the future, you may find that the fat cells in the initially treated regions expand and negate some of the effects of treatment.

Sculpt Your Ideal Body With CoolSculpting Today

Are you sick and tired of the way your clothes fit? Do you hate the way your flanks look in the mirror? Do you wish there was something you could do to target stubborn pockets of fat? With CoolSculpting, you can.

To determine if body sculpting is right for you, contact Impressions Face + Body (previously "True Skin Care Center") in Chicago, IL today to schedule your initial consultation. After reviewing your health, medical history and aesthetic goals, we will create a tailored treatment plan customized specifically for your unique needs.

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