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Chest Wrinkles: Prevention & Reduction

Written by Dr. Steven Dayan | Sep 16, 2013 9:29:59 PM

A common concern for aging women has always been wrinkles. With so much concentration on the eyes, cheeks, neck, and mouth many forget a part of the body that is often exposed and just as vulnerable to wrinkle as any other part of the body: the chest. For a long time there was no solution to this impending issue. However, with the advancement of chemical peels and laser resurfacing, there are now solutions to help prevent long-lasting wrinkles. First, we must understand exactly how and why chest wrinkles are formed, then, after a short guide to prevention, we will discuss how to eliminate any existing wrinkles.

How To Prevent Chest Wrinkles

It's no surprise that chest wrinkles form the same way wrinkles on other areas of your body do. Natural aging develops thinning skin and a lack collagen and protein production. The less collagen, the less elasticity under your skin to support areas with higher amount of use. In women, chest wrinkles can form when the weight of one breast pulls the chest skin down. This is especially likely while sleeping on your side. Another serious cause of wrinkling is from collected years of sun damage. Although the chest is an often exposed area, many women can forget to apply ample sunscreen on a daily basis.


Obviously the first step to chest wrinkle prevention, then, would be to use sunscreen often. Anytime you expect to be outside, you should apply sunscreen to exposed skin areas. Often many think on a cloudy or cold day, the sun is less likely to cause damage. In reality, during the day, UVA and UVB rays are always present and should be treated accordingly. If you are a smoker or heavy drinker, it is recommended to take both in limited quantities.

Top 3 Ways to Develop Wrinkles

  • The Sun
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol


With that in mind, there are preventative lotions that can help promote the production of collagen. Be susceptible to most products as many can be misleading. What is important are several ingredients that are proven to help collagen production. Glycolic Acid and/or Retinoic Acid are both proven to help promote the production of collagen and prevent the wrinkling of skin. For women, there are also several products available to wear that help prevent deep wrinkles caused from sleeping on your side. You can read about those products here.

Non-Invasive Chest Wrinkle Reduction

Even with over-cautionary care, wrinkles can still occur. When that happens, there are non-invasive procedures available that can help eliminate the sight of wrinkles.

Chemical Peel

The first is a chemical peel. There are several varying types of chemical peels made, obviously from different chemicals. No matter the make up of such peel, the basic function is to smooth the texture of your skin by removing the outer layers. Many chemical peels include additional ingredients to provide extra benefits, including ingredients that may prevent future damage.


Laser treatments that can help visibly reduce the sight of chest wrinkles in as few as one or two treatments. Multiple treatments, however, are encouraged to see optimal results, particularly for those who struggle with severe wrinkles or skin damage. An ablative laser is a resurfacer which heats the top layer of skin until removed. There are varying depth of these lasers and the settings can be adjusted by the licensed medical professional according to skin type.

Intense Pulsed Light

The second type of laser treatment heats the skin underneath the top layer to promote collagen production. This is known as Intense Pulsed Light (IPL). This type of laser will not damage the outer layer of skin but, rather, creates a controlled injury under the skin. As the body heals the injured areas, new skin cells and the corresponding collagen is produced and pigmented areas lighten. Typically both laser treatments require several visits.

Hopefully this has helped educate you on the causes of chest wrinkles, preventative measures, and steps the reduce the sight of any unwanted wrinkles. Remember, no matter the level of your concern though, it is always best to consult a doctor about the best steps for you to take before any major action is decided.